Daggers Productions was created through a shared love of live theatre. After attending many performances together, Leanne and Paul discussed the idea of putting on a show themselves. A joint interest in horror and the supernatural led to a realisation of the lack of this ilk in the choice of a theatregoer's options. The idea of a company bringing horror to the stage was born and has given us this amazing opportunity.
Co-Founder / Creative Director
Paul is delighted and very excited to be a Co-founder of Daggers Productions. He has been involved in theatre and performance since a very young age. He trained at the British Record Industry Trust (B.R.I.T) school of Performing Arts and the De Montfort University. He has performed as a professional actor and recently worked as a director.
His interest in horror and the supernatural has been a life long fascination. From listening to spooky radio plays to viewing horror on television and film, this style of storytelling has always intrigued him. Now he has been given the chance to explore this on stage, he intends to use it to the best of his abilities and hopefully create a tingle down many spines.
Leanne is the not so silent co-founder of Daggers Productions.
Leanne currently works within the London property market and her keen eye for details and love of the theatre had meant making the leap from audience member to Co-founder of Daggers Productions the next logical step.
Co-Founder / Finance Director